Every year, millions of children disappear; trafficked and sold as slaves, for sex or for labour. This is happening in almost every country, on almost every continent in the world, yet this industry is largely invisible, its victims hidden. SOLD was their story.
SOLD is a narrative, feature film adaptation of the globally acclaimed novel by Patricia McCormick. Based on true stories, it shows Lakshmi who journeys from a pastoral, rural village in Nepal to a gritty brothel/prison called Happiness House in Kolkata, India. SOLD illustrates the brutality of child trafficking, which affects millions of children around the globe every year.
Shiva Foundation’s screening incorporated a unique panel discussion with Academy and Emmy award-winner, Jeffrey D. Brown, producer Jane Charles and Actress Neerja Naik, hosted by BBC Asian Network’s Nihal Arthanayake. Hoping to use the film itself as a tool for change, Jeffrey and Jane shared their plans for screenings across Nepal with Childreach International as well as the vital importance of bringing rehabilitation to survivors of trafficking across India using the iRest programme.
Guests and panel members all asked what could be done beyond donating money, a question that is often asked and rarely answered. While some answers were explored (donate your time, spread awareness among your community, teach yourself more), a real answer was never settled on. What do you say when everyday people with day jobs ask you what they can do to help?